biuro rachunkowe warszawa

As a result of high level consumer spending, Poland has been an increasingly interesting place for business activities. It is particularly attractive to foreign businesses seeking to establish a presence in the country with well-educated workforce and location at the centre of Europe.

A strategy of pre-accession to the European Union has changed the legal environment of business towards being friendlier for the investors and increased the capacity of the Polish market to cope with competitive pressure. This has been done mainly by harmonizing Polish legislation with European law.

However the Polish economic law still differs considerably from European solutions. What is worse, it is being changed very often. 15 years ago the Polish Parliament used to pass approx. 2.000 pages of new regulations annually. At present approx. 20.000 pages of new business regulations are being passed every year. The same law is likely to be changed 2-3 times a year. Additionally different local revenue offices interpret the same law in different ways.

Hence only a specialized accounting firm such as Gradatim is able to offer reliable accounting and bookkeeping solutions.