Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is, among other things, a fulfillment of the informational obligation resulting from Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (Official Journal of the EU L 119 of 4.05.2016, p. 1) (hereinafter: GDPR), as well as the legal basis for processing the personal data of the Users of this website.

I. General Provisions

1. This Privacy Policy defines the rules for processing and protecting personal data provided by Users in connection with their use of the website (hereinafter referred to as the website or service).

2. The administrator of the personal data contained on the website is Gradatim Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością at Oxford Tower, 8 Chałubińskiego, 00-613, Warsaw, NIP 701 036 43 16, REGON 146 865 87 (hereinafter referred to as the Administrator).

Legal basis: Article 13 GDPR.

II. Personal Data

1. The Administrator processes the Users’ personal data for purposes and to the extent necessary for the proper functioning of the service, including analyzing website traffic, marketing, and contact with Users. Processing is necessary for the purposes resulting from the legitimate interests pursued by the Administrator.

2. The Administrator makes every effort to protect the Users’ personal data and ensure its security by applying appropriate technical and organizational measures.

Legal basis: Article 6 GDPR.

III. Cookies

1. The service uses cookies. Cookies are small text files stored on the User’s device that help the website function correctly and enable traffic analysis.

2. The User can change cookie settings in their web browser at any time; however, limiting the use of cookies may affect the functioning of the website.

3. Cookies are used for statistical and marketing purposes, including through Google Analytics tools.

4. Google Analytics uses both session cookies and persistent cookies.

a. Session cookies: Google Analytics uses session cookies to track user sessions. This information is stored temporarily and deleted after the browser is closed or the session ends.

b. Persistent cookies: Google Analytics also uses persistent cookies to collect information about users over time. These cookies remain on the user’s computer after the session ends and are used to analyze user behavior in the long term.

Legal basis: Article 6 GDPR.

IV. Google Analytics

1. The website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics tool provided by Google LLC. Google Analytics uses cookies to analyze how Users use the website.

2. The information generated by cookies about the Users’ use of the website is transmitted to and stored on Google’s servers. Google uses this information to evaluate the use of the website, create reports on website traffic, and provide other services related to website traffic and internet usage.

3. The User can opt out of Google Analytics cookies by downloading and installing the browser add-on that blocks Google Analytics –

Legal basis: Article 6 GDPR.

V. Contact Form

1. The website enables Users to contact via the contact form. Providing personal data in the contact form is voluntary but necessary to establish contact. By providing data in the contact form on our website, you consent to the processing of this data.

2. Personal data provided via the contact form is processed solely to respond to the inquiry and conduct correspondence.

Legal basis: Article 6 GDPR.

VI. User Rights

1. The User has the right to access their personal data, correct it, delete it (the right to be forgotten), and restrict its processing.

2. The User also has the right to object to the processing of their data and the right to data portability.

3. The person who has given consent also has the right to withdraw it at any time. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of the data processing carried out before its withdrawal.

4. Under the applicable data protection regulations, Users have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority in the event of a breach of data protection regulations. In Poland, the supervisory authority is the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection. In case of doubts regarding the processing of personal data or in the event of suspected violations of data protection regulations, Users can contact the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection and file an appropriate complaint.

5. To exercise the above rights, the User should contact the Administrator via email at

Legal basis: Articles 15-21 GDPR.

VII. Third Parties

1. The Administrator may entrust the processing of personal data to third parties to the extent necessary to achieve processing purposes. The third parties mentioned in this point are:

• Service providers responsible for the functioning and maintenance of the website.

• Technical operator of the website.

• Providers of analytical and marketing tools, such as Google Analytics.

• Providers of hosting and cloud services.

• Other subcontractors and Partners involved in the operation of the website and providing services to the Administrator. Gradatim sp. z o.o.’s strategic Partners are:

a. eTAX Jacek Jędrszczyk at 2 Zawiszy Czarnego, 40-872 Katowice.

b. Adamczyk Liber & Partners Legal Advisors at 26/2 Moniuszki, 31-523 Kraków.

c. Katarzyna Walasek, legal advisor at the Legal and Tax Advisory Office, located at 2/16 Lwowska, 30-548 Kraków.

d. WEDOIT at 15B Rozwadowska, 03-628 Warsaw.

2. The Administrator is not responsible for the privacy policies or data processing practices of third parties, to which links or integrations found on our website may lead. The User should independently review the privacy policies of these third parties. However, we would like to emphasize that as the Administrator, we strive to maintain the highest standards of data protection in our relationships with third parties and our Partners. We make every effort to ensure the confidentiality and security of our Users’ data by applying appropriate technical, organizational, and security procedures.

Legal basis: Article 28 GDPR.

VIII. Changes to the Privacy Policy

1. The Administrator reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time and place. At the same time, the Administrator undertakes to promptly publish the new version of the Privacy Policy on this website.

2. Changes come into effect on the date of their publication on the website.

Legal basis: Article 13 GDPR.

Personal data processed by the Administrator is not subject to profiling or automatic processing.

We use graphic and multimedia materials on our website in accordance with the license terms contained in the following platforms:

All photos, videos and other materials used are subject to the license terms of these websites, which means that they are not used as part of our trademark, brand design, trade or business name or service mark. We respect the copyrights of creators and undertake to comply with all license provisions.

Privacy Policy Version: v.0.1/15_06_2024

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